
GitHub is a program tailored for students and educators, granting them free access to an array of tools and resources for coding and collaborating on technology projects. Benefits include GitHub Enterprise, GitHub Pro, developer tools, and access to courses and learning resources, fostering a supportive environment for learning, teaching, and collaboration.

Special Topic in Data Engineering
This course presents to the students recent research and industrial issues pertaining to data engineering, database systems and technologies. Various topics of interests that are directly or indirectly affecting or are being influenced by data engineering, database systems and technologies are explored and discussed.

Software Engineering
This course is designed to give students an introduction to an engineering approach in the development of high-quality software systems. It will discuss the important software engineering concepts in the various types of the common software process models.

Web Programming - PHP
This course is designed to introduce students the fundamental of knowledge, technologies and components for web application developments. The basic topics includes the standard HTML for content creation, CSS for content presentation, JavaScript for client-side logics, PHP for server-side logics and MySQL for data processing.

High Performance Data Processing
High performance data processing employs high performance computing (HPC) to process data, which is then translated into information and knowledge. The advent of high-performance computing and data analytics enabled real-time interrogation of extremely large data sets.

Programming Technique III: ASP.NET
This course introduces the fundamentals of web development using ASP.NET, with the aim to develop a database (SQL Server) driven website. The course will provide students with conceptual and practical understanding of website design and development and encourages the integration of good interface design with effective system functionality.

Extra-Curricular Experiential Learning
The course is designed to ensure and recognise meaningful engagement of the students in the extracurricular activities. Indirectly, this process can encourage students to better appreciate and value the educational processes that take place. Most importantly, this course is offered with the aims to complement the University’s academic curriculum and to augment the students’ learning experience.

Value and Identity
This course highlights the essential essence of UTM, acting as a catalyst for developing inventive and pioneering human resources to satisfy the nation's future needs. Our goals are founded on the basic concepts of Integrity, Synergy, Excellence, and Sustainability (ISES).

The Information Technology project's Terms of Reference outline the project's objectives, scope, deliverables, timelines, and key stakeholders. It serves as a guiding document that defines the project's purpose and provides a framework for its successful execution.

Django is a versatile Python web framework known for its simplicity and efficiency. It facilitates rapid development by providing ready-to-use components, promoting scalability, and adhering to the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle.