Dr Shahizan

Dr Shahizan

Educator, Trainer, IT administrator, and Consultant
As a faculty member in the Applied Computing & Artificial Intelligence department at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, I take great pride in presenting this webpage, specifically designed to exhibit the remarkable achievements of my students in their project endeavors. The showcased projects encompass a wide range of subjects, spanning from the High Performance Data Processing course to Web Programming. It is my sincere hope that this webpage proves to be a valuable resource for you.

What I do

With over two decades of experience in information technology, I have worked as an educator, IT administrator, trainer, and consultant. Here's a quick rundown of my main technical skills and the technologies I use. Please see my online resume and project portfolio for more information about my background.

Python & Django

Python is a versatile and popular programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Django is a high-level web framework that enables rapid development of secure and scalable web applications using Python.

PHP & Laravel

PHP is a widely used scripting language for web development, while Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that simplifies and speeds up the process of building robust and scalable web applications.


ASP.NET is a web development framework developed by Microsoft, providing a platform for building dynamic and interactive web applications using the .NET framework and programming languages like C# and VB.NET.


GitHub is a web-based platform for version control and collaboration, enabling developers to host, manage, and share their code repositories with others.

Mobile Application

Mobile applications are software programs designed specifically for use on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, offering various functionalities and services to users, enhancing productivity, entertainment, and communication on the go.

AWS Academy

AWS Academy is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) training and certification program that offers educational institutions a comprehensive curriculum to prepare students for careers in cloud computing and AWS solutions architecture.

Figma & Behance

Figma is a cloud-based design and prototyping tool that enables collaborative interface design and Behance is an online platform for showcasing and discovering creative work by designers, artists, and other creative professionals.


HTML, CSS, and JS are fundamental web technologies. HTML structures web content, CSS styles the presentation, and JS adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to websites.


Special Topic in Data Engineering

This course presents to the students recent research and industrial issues pertaining to data engineering, database systems and technologies. Various topics of interests that are directly or indirectly affecting or are being influenced by data engineering, database systems and technologies are explored and discussed.

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Software Engineering

This course is designed to give students an introduction to an engineering approach in the development of high-quality software systems. It will discuss the important software engineering concepts in the various types of the common software process models.

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Web Programming - PHP

This course is designed to introduce students the fundamental of knowledge, technologies and components for web application developments. The basic topics includes the standard HTML for content creation, CSS for content presentation, JavaScript for client-side logics, PHP for server-side logics and MySQL for data processing.

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